Code MetricsMSBuildCodeMetrics

Code Metrics is a measure of some property of a piece of software. We can use software metrics to help us build better software. There are several differente metrics.

Some of the metrics that we can measure with MSBuildCodeMetrics:

Default Provider (MSBuildCodeMetrics.Core.Providers)

  • Files By Extension: This isn't a usual code metric, but I built this to help understanding the different stuff contained by a given source code repository. It can help me find different kinds of compilers, IDE's and file types are used by the application
  • Lines of Code: This is a interesting measure to know the size of an application. This metric means total LOC by file.
  • Projects by Project Type: This metric is useful to understand how many output projects exists in our repository. The idea is to parse the .csproj and .vbproj files and group the output by project type (Library, WinExe, Exe, etc.)

Visual Studio Metrics

This providers encapsulate the metrics produced by Visual Studio. See the links below:

There are interesting metrics here, like LOC by method and Cyclomatic Complexity